
L+R Airport Consulting provides essential expertise in airspace protection, operation and management to range of clients.

Airports do not operate in isolation from airspace which surrounds them. Airport operators have a responsibility to ensure their facilities remain protected from the operational impact of obstructed airspace. Analysis and understanding of airspace and air traffic management issues is therefore crucial to successful airport planning and operation.

Our expertise and experience in range of airspace planning projects associated with in new airport infrastructure allows us provide relevant airspace context to airport operations and aviation assessments.

L+R Airport Consulting regularly assists airport operators in assessing their impacts proposed developments on airport operations. Our specialists, also conduct independent aeronauticals assessments of proposed developments on behalf of proponents, in support of development application process.


  • Obstacle Limitation Surfaces
  • PANS-OPS Surfaces
  • Prescribed airspace and controlled activity assistance
  • Airport safeguarding assessments


  • Flight path protection
  • Helipad planning and design
  • Aviation assessments