Hospital Helipad Flight Path Protection + Helipad Technical Services

L+R Airport Consulting has been commissioned by the Victorian Government Department of Health since 2016 to provide technical advice and assessment in relation to proposed developments in the vicinity of hospital helipads.

Flight paths to many hospitals have been protected under Victorian planning legislation. Proposals are referred to the Department through statutory processes associated with the planning permit application and the Department has strict timeframes within which to comment. To facilitate the response we must prepare reports in a timely manner and liaise with the medical helicopter operators through Air Ambulance Victoria.

Our services include identi­fication of the impact of proposed buildings on the viability of current and future helicopter operations to hospital helipads across Victoria. This includes assessment of the proposals against the de­fined obstacle restriction requirements, consideration of any surrounding obstacles, documentation of impacts and identi­fication of recommended mitigation measures.

In addition, we assess and identify the impact of construction activities based on proposals in the proponent’s Construction Management Plan, which often forms a condition of the planning permit, and provide other ad hoc technical advice as requested.


Scope of Services Provided

  • Survey the existing conditions at each helipad
  • Prepare planning scheme amendments
  • Develop planning and design guidelines for future helipad developments
  • Submit planning scheme amendments to affected councils
  • Facilitate council meetings and public exhibitions
  • Collate and consider submissions
  • Process and check gazettal processes