Christchurch International Airport 2023 Updated Air Noise Contours

In 2021 Environment Canterbury (Ecan), as the regional planning authority, formally requested that Christchurch Airport conduct a review of the existing noise contours that were produced in 2008.

The contour update process required that Ecan engage the Independent Expert Panel to undertake a robust peer review of the inputs, assumptions, and outcomes of the remodelling of the airport noise contours undertaken by Christchurch International Airport’s expert team.

L+R Airport Consulting was appointed to an international panel of independent experts to undertake a robust technical peer review of the inputs, assumptions, and outcomes of the remodelling, using a transparent, objective, and defensible process. As part of the panel we reviewed the flight tracks and airspace assumptions volume of the CIAL expert team’s report, the requirements for which included:

  • Familiarity with Air Traffic Control (ATC) and Air Traffic Management (ATM) procedures currently operating in the New Zealand environment
  • Ability to understand the route structures into and out of Christchurch Airport
  • Understanding of the level of detail needed to convert current published procedures into a strategic longer-term view of traffic allocation onto these routes, the principles of spread across Instrument Visual and Performance Based Navigation flight paths
  • In terms of flight paths, understanding of the process of generalisation required to prepare future noise exposure contours.


Working closely with the other appointed Independent Expert Panel member, from the US, UK and New Zealand, L+R Airport Consulting’s involvement in the peer review process helped ensure the 2024 Updated Noise Contours were based on the best available technical inputs and assumptions.

Scope of Services Provided