Royal Perth Hospital Flight Path

L+R Airport Consulting was engaged to provide technical assistance in relation to the protection of helicopter flight paths for the Royal Perth Hospital helipad within the Perth planning framework.
  • Our services played a key role in the ensuring ongoing viability of the new helipad operations by providing protection from encroachment by development of obstacles to helicopter operations, while minimising the impact on surrounding development within the Perth CBD. Key elements of our engagement included:
    • Peer review of previous technical reports and assessment of early flight path proposals for compliance with ICAO and helicopter operator requirements.
    • Evaluation of multiple compliant options for impacts on building development height limits to identify the preferred option which minimises restrictions on development.
    • Consultation with key stakeholders including the Department of Fire and Emergency Services and the helicopter pilots on the preferred option.
    • Preparation of technical reports on flight path requirements, to support a planning scheme amendment to incorporate relevant protection from intrusion by obstacles.

    The Minister for Planning approved the scheme amendments in February 2024.